Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thankful: Day 23

The seasons I taught Sunday School.
For a few years I was blessed with the
joy (most of the time) of teaching Sunday School
and leading Children's Church.
Yes, it was stressful, chaotic, even crazy at times.
But, the joy of watching a child's face when they "got it".
My season is over, for now. 
But, I have grand kids, watch out!

Thankful: Day 22

Music....Contemporary Christian is my favorite
Casting Crowns, my all time favorite group!
Music calms my soul.
Puts me in the right mind for my day.
Reminds me to focus on God.
It's NOT about me, but HIM.


Thankfulness: Day 21

I'm thankful for eyeglasses.
Without them, I would be house bound...
I am almost blind in one eye, can't see out of the other...
Sadly, that is true.  My prescription is so strong,
it often has to be sent out special order.
So, thankful, thankful for the invention!!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Thankfulness: Day 20

Today I'm thankful for books.
I love to it a lot!
Passes time, I learn new things
I'm entertained.

Thankfulness: Day 19

I'm thankful for cars.
Especially cars that are paid for.
While we many not have the newest car on the block.
Our car may not have all the gizmos others have.
Ours is paid for! 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Thankfulness: Day 18

Today I'm thankful for running water.
Not just running water, but clean water.
So many throughout the world do not have this luxury.
Again, I'm spoiled.  I want, and have, clean water.
I can just turn the tap on and wash dishes, take a bath.
Thank You, Lord, for this awesome gift!